Let's Give This Cowboy A Leg Up
On Monday May 6 th , 2024, third generation horseman Ty Ralston, son of Cody Ralston and grandson of Eddie Ralston, was
involved in a nasty horse-riding accident. Ty has sustained multiple breaks and fractures to his
face and jaw, as well as a severe concussion. He remembers his wife Holly but has no memory of
the accident. He is set to have surgery Tuesday May 7 th , 2024, and is in a lot of pain. His sweet
wife, Holly, is nine months pregnant and due to be induced with their baby any day, so this could
not come at a worse time for their family. Ty has a long road to recovery ahead of him, and with
the new baby on his way and Ty not being able to work they will certainly appreciate any and all support from our Arabian horse
community. Thank you so much!