Let's Make A Christmas Miracle

Let's Make A Christmas Miracle  image



We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Shane Mosley has been battling cancer since March 2021. Shane and Lisa have tried hard to keep life as normal as possible all while he has been taking chemo and radiation treatments. He has missed work often through the process and even missed two weeks when he had Covid and pneumonia during his radiation treatments. Unfortunately, the chemo and radiation treatments did not remove the cancer and Shane will be having major surgery January 5, 2022.

Shane is a self-employed truck driver so each day and week he missed working meant no income for his family. He will be without income for a minimum of 2 months while he recovers, as well as the additional medical costs for surgery and treatment.
Their connection to our Arabian community comes through their daughter, who is a member of the Region 14 Youth Association. As such, this family like so many others before them, have become part of our community.
First and foremost, please pray for healing and peace for Shane and his family, and second, if you are able, please consider donating to help cover their monthly bills and medical costs while he is out of work so that his focus can be on getting well instead of the bills, he will be unable to pay. The donated funds will help cover their monthly bills, put food on their table, gas in their vehicle, and pay for the deductible and out of pocket medical expenses.
Please if you can find it in your heart to help this family by donating to the Arabian Horse Distress Fund and earmark it to Shane Mosley or if you're my non horse friend, send me a text, email or instant message and I will send you their mailing address.